You may ask what do I mean by, 1 to 100.
A major part of bathstore’s strategy was to make the company the brand. So many years back they moved away from promoting brands instore. Cherry-picking items that worked well for their customers and creating replica’s. The euro product range was formulated from the Catalano Zero design. Over time they started to reintroduce brands under the bathstore banner such as Crosswater, Mira and so many more. By operating with one brochure, it made it significantly easier to employ staff from outside of the industry.
Our industry has hundreds of manufactures. As a designer, you will need to adapt and learn so much to become an industry expert. This means learning new information, understand brand trends. Having the ability to recognise ranges from multiple manufacturers using that information to create mental USP’s. If you would like help with this, please contact me as I made the transition as well as helped many others make the change.
Remember you have had more training days than most of the industries designers. You are bathroom specialists, trained to understand bathrooms as well as understand sales.